Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Shooting Schedule, General plan, Equipment 'n Stuff for Friday


Meet at studio, take out equipment, set up for color footage, prep model (hair & makeup)

Set up:

Camera to first set of lights (14ft)
First set of lights to back lights (9ft)


Shoot color footage, 3 outfits one after the other (possibly re-do hair for each outfit).
-model dances around, spins, flips hair, etc... (movements determined at the time of the shoot)
-in 1st shot, model walks into frame and starts dancing around
-camera on tripod
-focal length 105
-aperture f4
-ISO 2000
-shutter 1/30
-play with going out of focus as model moves


Change setup for b&w footage (shot in color), restyle model for first look.

Set up:

10:30am - 11:45am

Shoot b&w footage, same 3 outfits one after the other.
After some testing we felt we could not successfully perform the smooth pans we originally wanted. Instead we will do many relatively still video images in series. So the video will go from one color shot with movement and flare to the series of b&w "stills," back to the color shot of the next outfit, then to the next series of b&w "stills," etc...
Specific shots of specific features of the clothing combined with small movements on the part of the model (fingers fiddling with buttons, foot jiggling, head turning...)
-model in specific poses (determined at the time of the shoot)
-camera on tripod
-focal length at least 80mm
-shallow depth of field, but in focus

5D Mark II
Canon 24-105 lens
4 x 500w Smith Victors
1 yellow, 1 red, 1 pink, 1 orange gel (mixed together, warm tones)
4 barn doors
spun glass and clothes pegs
booms (sand bags, super clamps)

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Equipment & Other Pre-Production Thoughts


-5D Mark II
-monopod with weight
-tripod for video
-LEDs? White Lightning modeling lights?
-diffusion (scrim, panels)

-simple makeup (concealer?, mascara, soft grey shadow?, somewhat enhanced natural lip)
-hair brush, elastics (variations of loose vs. tied up hair)

TESTING in studio this coming tuesday morning:

-figure out gel colours (vis-a-vis clothes)
-needed width of background relative to desired focal length (side by side seamless?)
-decide on type of light (movement of light?)
-how smooth/controlled are the pans with monopod and weight
-test model movements relative to camera (focus, accompanying camera movements)
-establish desired poses per outfit