Sunday, October 14, 2012


Because it is getting REALLY cold and rainy out, we have decided to limit our shoot to the studio. We would still like to maintain the idea of juxtaposing the very clean, minimalist studio shots, against something more fun and colorful. We plan to do this by shooting the clean, minimalist shots in black and white, and by restricting movement to only the camera as it pans over the model (who will be unmoving). We will contrast this with studio shots that are done in color, that show the model in motion, possibly with props, and with more colorful backgrounds. The camera will also be moving in a less restrained way. We will also still incorporate flare & backlight, and we may even try to mimic daylight. We can also still use our idea of having the shots go in and out of focus as we follow the model's movements. This will contrast with the very technically accurate, b&w, formal pans over the model and the clothes. These shots are designed to really show the clothing, the texture, the form more than the atmosphere. Freedom/adventure vs. classic. The New Classic. Voila.

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